VISA Cartoon Character Teaches Kids Financial Literacy

by | 09/23/13 | Commentary, Uncategorized

In a bold new effort to connect with kids and teach them financial-related topics in a fun manner, VISA has enlisted the bumbling cartoon character Suppandi to lead the charge in in its financial literacy initiative for children in India.  In a highly acclaimed 12-part series in the monthly kids magazine Tinkle, Suppandi will confront, resolve and provide education around issues ranging from consumer fraud to the effective use of credit cards.

VISA is targeting children in India given the newly published data relating to the growing existence of credit card fraud in the country, and the higher incidence of credit card use among India’s younger population.  In terms of countries targeted by phishing attacks, India is ranked #4 globally.  Moreover, the phishing attack rate in India has doubled in the last 12 months, as banks continue to promulgate the virtues of online transactions.  Internet fraud has skyrocketed in India as a result, with a disproportionate segment of the population impacted being young people.

The campaign strategy for VISA is to use Suppandi as the means to connect with kids – and then leverage that connection to teach them about financial realed matters that impact them and their families.  Moreover, interestingly, Tinkle has a large legacy population comprised of older individuals who have remained loyal followers of the publication since their early years.  As an older population who reads the magazine with their kids is engaged in the publication’s content, VISA also anticipates reaching a more mature segment with its financial literacy messaging.  As a result, financial education proponents view this campaign as one that will be successful across generations and continue to fuel the growth of the financial literacy movement.

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